Message from our Group Scout Leader


knitting-logo3The Group is currently in a bit of a finance crisis and we have had a push on fundraising initiatives recently and will need to continue for the foreseeable future, until the income made from hiring Nyamba can be considered regular. We thank you all for your support with these events and hope that future events planned will also generate fun and enjoyment too. We are of course always welcome to new ideas and suggestions and welcome all parent input. Traffic issues were identified as a concern in the debates surrounding our Planning Application.

As individuals within the Group we need to do our bit in maintaining the relationships with our neighbours;

please be considerate when driving to drop-off or pick up your boys from Nyamba: Please do not park across their drives. Think about the noise you might be creating. When using our car park, please take the spaces nearest to the building first, so that others will be able to see that spaces are still available. And, please, under no circumstances reverse down onto Mowbray drive.

Other possibilities to cause less congestion:

Can you walk?

Can you cycle?

Can you car share?

I am pleased to say that all sections within 1st Linslade Beavers, Cubs and Scouts are full and we have a full compliment of hard working Leaders. I would like to thank all parents that continue to support the Boys and Group, in whatever capacity, we are grateful for the help and time that you all give.

Zita Pascoe GSL

1st Linslade Support Team


supportteamlogoWith the sun shining and the summer holidays approching we must focus our attention to the green areas before they become a jungle!

Look out for details of the next maintenance day. No qualifications required and everyone is welcome!

We all run such busy lives these days and the more people that get involved ensures that it is not the same people being relied upon. Please help to spread the load and continue to help out where you can. If you would like to be added to the contact list please let us know via the "Contact Us" page. You are not committing yourself to anything – (yet!).

Planning Permission Finally Agreed

After eight months of paperwork, meetings, negotiations, hard slog and stress, I am pleased to say that the Group has been successful in obtaining Planning Permission to vary the conditions of the use of our hall.    planning-regulations

 What does this mean to us?

  • We can now hire out Nyamba to groups like the Leighton Buzzard Toy Library, Jo Jingles, playgroups, keep fit organizations, elderly groups, first aid training courses and the like;
  • We are now allowed to hire out Nyamba for children's parties (up to the age of 12 and not to exceed 24 times a year);
  • We are allowed to have up to 4 sleepover a year for Beavers, Cubs, Rainbows and Brownies.




  The first two items will enable us to generate additional income and means that we will not have to be totally reliant on fundraising activities to survive.

If you know of any groups that are looking to hire a hall please contact our Group Scout Leader