Family Fun Race Night

Open to ALL SECTIONS – ALL Group Members, ALL Parents, Leaders and Helpers

FIRST COME FIRST SERVED – ONLY 100 Tickets Available

Fully Interactive

Includes Chilli Supper

Adults £4, Children £2

Saturday 24th March, 7 till 9.30pm at The Community Centre, Bideford Green

(Fully licensed bar available)

Tickets will be on sale at “Nyamba” at the end of each section meeting.

Register for tickets at “Activity Registration”

Hut Decorating!


Thanks to all parents, leaders and friends of the Group that came down and helped with decorating the main hall last week. Many hands made light work…









Recognise the colours? Scanned in from our Neckers. Sunglasses required!…….

District Camp 2009


the_a-team_logo200.jpgLeighton-Linslade District Centenary Camp:  3rd- 5th July 2009

This year Scouting in Leighton Buzzard and Linslade District celebrates its 100th year and our District team are holding a camp for us at The Boyd Campsite and Activity Centre in Henlow. All sections, from all groups in the town have been invited, and 1st Linslade Scout Group will be attending. This camp will be our main summer camp this year, and will be our focus for this term.

Many activities have been planned for the weekend in zones, water / Outdoor Life / Activity / Friendship. Some of the exciting activities included are:

Continue reading “District Camp 2009”

Scouts in 2009

Dear All

Hope you all had a good Christmas break and are looking forward to a fun packed Scouting 2009.

Happy New Year!

Scout Troop meetings resume on Wednesday 14th January 7.30pm – 9.00pm. Your leaders will be meeting this week to finalise this terms programme and final preparations for the forthcoming Winter Camp at Tolmers Scout Camp Site.

We are starting a second Scout Troop on 29th January 2009. This Troop will meet weekly on a Thursday night after Beavers, 7.45pm – 9.15pm. 

Continue reading “Scouts in 2009”

Maintenance Day at Nyamba

supportteamlogo.gif1st  Linslade Support Team
Make Friends & Become Invaluable

Workforce Tidy Maintenance Day at Nyamba

Sunday 13th April 10.00am – 4.00pm

The upkeep of Nyamba is of primary importance in enabling the Beavers, Cubs and Scouts to gain the maximum benefit from their attendance.  To this end we have arranged the above maintenance day to carry out some of those simple everyday DIY jobs such as gardening and painting.


Continue reading “Maintenance Day at Nyamba”

Jumbo fun at the scouts’ tea party

Recent article from Leighton Buzzard Observer Online……
"ALL It took was a trunk call to ZSL Whipsnade Zoo and David R and Steven R from the 1st Linslade Scout Group were joining group leader Zita Pascoe for high tea in the elephant enclosure. The three are pictured with the zoo’s Asian elephant calf Euan under the watchful eye of his mum Azizah.
The photo was staged to publicise the forthcoming Scouts Centenary Jamboree at Hylands Park Estate, near Chelmsford in July and August, when Scouts from across Bedfordshire will be among those taking part.

Williamson tea makers, of the Townsend Industrial Estate in Houghton Regis, are supplying an English Tea House for the event in conjunction with Wedgewood china. The company’s logo is an Asian elephant."

Link to original article on Leighton Buzzard Observer Onlineclick here

County Camp Theme


The theme for county camp has been announced "Countries of the World". Leighton-Linslade District have been allocated – Saudi Arabia.  Get you thinking caps on… We have to build a float for the Camp Carnival……

 saudi-map                                                                                saudi-arabia-flag

County Camp 2007

Centenary County Camp 2007 4th May – 7th May 2007

2007 is the Centenary of Scouting and to celebrate this important landmark Bedfordshire Scout Association is organising a county camp at Phasels Wood Scout Camp, near Hemel Hempstead (see "links" page).

Scouts, Cubs and Beavers (day visits only) from all over the county will be camping on this fantastic 3 day/night event.

Activities organised so far include the following:-

Abseiling, archery, climbing wall, crossbows, mini bikes, dragon slide, water rockets, air rifles, ice wall, cresta run, gladiator trial, circus skills, pot holing, laser clay shooting, giant games, technology zone, skittles, quad bikes, inflatable obstacle course, bouncy castles, bungee run pedal karts, with many more to be added over the next few months.

More details can be found at

And yes, before you ask Scouts, we will also be having a fire so that in true tradition you can go home with your clothes stinking of smoke!

The cost of the camp including all activities & food is likely to be around £35 per boy, however we are hoping to subsidise some of this from troop funds.

A special commemorative badge will be given to each person in attendance.

We hope that every scout will attend this once in a life time event.

As leaders we are also helping to organise other groups in our District to participate in this camp and would be grateful of as much parental help as possible particularly with transport, tent pitching and catering. If you would be willing to help out for the weekend, even if it is only for one day please let them know.

For us to assess numbers we would be grateful if you could let us know by e-mail, that you will or will not want to attend the camp. A £20 deposit will be payable before the end of term.

Nigel & Andy 


Christmas Bag Packing – Fundraising


Beavers, Cubs, and Scouts – We need everyone! purplefleur

This is a major fund raising event for the Group. Please do give it your full support. It is intended that most of the funds raised this year will be spent directly on Beaver, Cub and Scout activities next year during our centenary celebrations.

What’s Involved? There are 24 tills at the new Morrison's Store and we want to be packing shopping into bags at as many tills as possible and for as long as possible.santa-sack

Saturday 16th December – We have divided the day into 2-hour time slots – please tell us the number and times of the slots you can cover, if you are unable to do 2 hrs but available to do 1hr we would still appreciate your help.

Time slots are: 10.30-12.30, 12.30-14.30, 14.30-16.30, 16.30-18.30.

Contact us via the "Contact Us" page (see left), stating when you can help.

What do I need to Know? Smart Uniforms please. Collecting tins can't be rattled, Smile, Be helpful and friendly, and most important of all – have fun and enjoy it!

Thanks for your support.