Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Explorers attended the annual District Christingle Carol Service at the Baptist Church in Hockliffe Street on Thursday 7th December. There was a good turn out from all sections. Leaders Tracey Chisnall and Trevor Burns received 10 year service awards from the District Commissioner. Well done!
Happy Christmas!
Winter Camp 2017
Another successful Winter Camp for the Scout Troop
News Bulletin – December 2016
**** Key dates: Christingle 8th December, Tesco Bag-packing 17th December ****
If you have visited Nyamba this term you will have seen the newly refurbished toilets which have cost over £12,000 and a lot of volunteer time. Thank you to everyone for doing a great job.
Subs Increase
We have been lucky with fundraising and grants for major projects but because we have to make sure that monthly subs cover our regular expenses, subs are increasing from £10 to £12 per month from January 2017 which is still incredible value. We could not maintain subs as low as this without the generosity of our leaders who give their time for free.
Standing Orders
Please adjust your standing order to £12 per month for January subscriptions onwards. You can set your current standing order to end with the December payment and start a new one for January onwards, or following the December payment adjust your standing order to the new amount for January onwards. Any standing orders not increased will be subject to back payments. We only accept subs by standing order or an annual cheque (in advance).
Participation Fund
If the increase in subs is likely to be a problem, we do have a small participation fund to support families who are experiencing financial challenges. You can contact our Executive Committee in confidence via the “Contact Us” page from the menu on the left.
Gift Aid
Thank you to everyone who has completed a gift aid form. We have just received £2,800 from HMRC for very little work just because most parents have done this already. Please ask for a form.
DBS Forms
Occasional helpers need a DBS check. It only takes a few minutes to complete a form (and can be done by email) and to provide some ID. Please ask your Section Leader for a form now so it’s in place for the next camp.
Hiring Nyamba
We are interested in long-term, regular lettings so if you know of anyone looking for a venue, please pass on our details. We are sorry that due to planning conditions, we cannot hire out Nyamba for private parties.
Volunteers Wanted
Thank you to everyone who helped at the last maintenance day. Our young people are fortunate to belong to a thriving Scout Group which offers so many varied opportunities across all the sections but the Leaders and Committee do need more help. If can spare an hour a week to help with some paperwork or fundraising or at an event, we want to hear from you. Our main fundraising event is back-packing on 17th December 10am to 4pm – please sign up when your Section Leader contacts you
Explorers Recycled Boat
The grand launch of the “Don’t Bottle It” Constructed in the Nyamba boatyard (or troop room) over many weeks by Admiral Thomas and his team of marine engineers. First set sail on this day 2015, expertly piloted by Captain Josh and his brave crew. Check out the Parkers Pioneers Facebook pages for more photos & video.
Thanks for your help!!
Thanks to all that came along last Saturday for the Maintenance Day! It’s amazing what can be achieved in a day with a gang of helpers!! The brambles round the back have gone! The drive and car park is tidy and we have retrieved a car parking space back from the clutches of advancing vegetation! The kitchen and loos have had a great going over, and the roof gullies and downpipes cleared. A large chunk of the ivy has been removed from the back of the building – we can see light through the kitchen window now!
And our altar fire project was finally realised……
Thanks to all that turned up and gave up their time – you know who you are!
Special thanks to Sue and Tracey for bacon butties and sausage rolls!!
Annual General Meeting 2014
Dear parents
1st Linslade Scouts is hosting a Cheese and Wine evening on Monday the 16th of June at Nyamba Scout Hut from 7:30pm. During part of the evening the Annual General Meeting will be held. All parents of Scouts, Cubs and Beavers are invited to attend.
We desperately need your help! As you all know we are really fortunate to have an active and committed team of Scout Leaders, providing excellent opportunities for the benefit of our children. To make the Scouting programme so successful, a great deal of time and hard work goes on behind the scenes.
Due to the increasing numbers in the Scouting sections, more help is desperately needed from parents. At the AGM a range of committees are going to be discussed in order to support this fantastic work. We are looking for a range of skills including gardening, DIY, construction, catering etc. An adult member from every family, whose child attends a 1st Linslade Scouting group, will automatically be allocated a role within one the committees for a short period of time.
Please let us know if you can attend, in order that we can make arrangements for the refreshments.
We look forward to seeing you and sharing a glass of wine on the 16th of June.
1st Linslade Scout Group Executive Committee
Explorers Ski Trip 2014
Parkers Pioneers Explorer Unit has just returned from a fantastic week skiing & snowboarding in the Swiss Alps.
Explorers and leaders spent an amazing week on the mountains surrounding the Scout Centre in Kandersteg. Everyone had a great time whether they were a novice boarder or an experienced skier.
Evening activities included igloo building, sledding and a snow shoeing hike through the woods.
On the Sunday we were lucky enough to see the World Dog sledding championships with part of the course on the grounds of the Scout Centre.
Please take a look at the collection of pictures to see what we got up to, click READ MORE below……
More to follow in the Gallery.
Next explorer ski trip planned for 2017!!!!
Forthcoming explorer events
DOFE Silver expeditions
DOFE Bronze expeditions
Survival Camp Braid Wood
White Water Rafting
Canoe expedition
Gilwell 24
Survival camp on the beach
The explorer unit is on the look out for adult volunteers to join our leadership team so if you are looking for some adventure please drop me an email via the “Contacts” page
Explorer Scout Leader
Remembrance Day Parade 2012

Great attendance from all sections – Thank you all for coming……
Over 100 attend Group Camp….

Our third Frank Parker memorial Group Camp ran very successfully last weekend. We had over 110 Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Explorers, Leaders and helpers on camp, so it was very busy. We had 11 Beavers camp under canvas for the very first time, which was very exciting. ALL of the 85 children at camp were extremely well behaved and a credit to their parents and leaders. There are some photos below of some of the activities, and more in the gallery.
If anyone has any photos to share please contact me – registered website users can upload direct to the web gallery once logged-in. It would be nice to publish reports, thoughts, and comments from the children also – leaders could you ask them?
A massive thank you to all leaders and helpers who worked like trojans to make this event happen. And also a special thank you to our catering team – I don’t know how you do it! 85 well fed, happy, smiling little faces says it all and makes it all worthwhile. Thanks everyone!!
Andy – GSL
New Explorer Unit starts with a splash
A great time was had by all at the launch of the new explorer unit with it getting started literally with a BIG SPLASH!!!
On a glorious summers evening last Friday 9 explorers & 4 leaders took on the Wakeboarding at Willen Lake. Everybody got nice and wet but had a fantastic time with nearly all of the group, after a few tumbles managing a lap of the course
After a quick change they then got on their walking boots to hike the 7 miles to Quarries campsite arriving at 11.30 for an overnight sleepover. The next morning they were up at 8.30 to cook breakfast, strike camp and get down to the canal for a very leisurely 2 hour canoe paddle. We are sure they spent more time drifting along than paddling but I suppose they may have been a little tired!!!
As always a big thank you to the leaders and parents who helped to organise this event