The cubs had a great weekend at Lees Wood campsite.

Cub Pack News
The cubs had a great weekend at Lees Wood campsite.
Congratulations to James Ward who attained all 33 Cub badges. This includes all of the activity badges, all the Challenge badges, and the Chief Scout’s Silver Award. We are all very proud of James, as this is a massive achievement – Well Done James!! In fact, he is only the 4th Cub Scout ever to have done this – and the first in the County of Bedfordshire. Therefore his name goes down in Scouting history. I’m sure James will want to thank, Tracey, Robin and all the leaders for their support and hard work for helping him with this.
James has had big media coverage this week. He was front page news in the LBO – see the story here LBO, and was interviewed on the Stephen Rhodes Breakfast programme on BBC 3 Counties Radio – see here BBC 3CR. You can listen to the interview – see below. We also hope that he will be featured in our national Scouting magazine in the next issue.
James has now moved up into Scouts, and the Scout Leaders are off down to the Scout Shop to stock up on badges!!
More evidence that Scouting in Linslade is second to none…….
BBC Three Counties Radio interview with James
Photos of Cubs and Scouts at camp are now in the web gallery. You will find a photo record of some of the activities during the joint Scout and Cub camp at Phasels Wood on the last weekend of September 2006. A great time was had by all, despite a couple of showers. Thanks to all leaders, helpers and parents that lent a hand to make this camp happen. Thanks to Trevor for the photos.
Hey lads ! where’s the report you promised?……
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