Caving Weekend in Somerset (Nov 08)

The Intrepid Cavers
The Intrepid Cavers

click to enlarge


A joint weekend underground with Buzzards Scout Troop, was a great success.  Caving was lead by the Bucks County Scout Caving Team, in the Mendip Hills of Somerset. Caves explored were, Goatchurch Cavern, Sidcot Swallet, and Pierre’s Pot on the Saturday. On Sunday a wet cave! – Swildon’s Hole. Thanks to team for a really exciting weekend. Hopefully one of the Scouts will write a report for you!


More photos in the Gallery.

For a report by one of the Scouts, read on………

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Mc Night Hike 28/11/08


We are pleased to announce that we have once again organised a night hike

hiking-cartoon-300x187.gifLeaving from Nyamba, we will hike under the stars to Milton Bryan Camp site. Most of the route will be along the GreenSand Ridge path passing through Stockgrove Park and Woburn Park’s. We plan to have a few fun challenges on route and a McDonalds’s for supper.

After sleeping over at the camp site scouts will be asked to cook a full English breakfast on Altar fires for their camp cook badge. More details from Scout Leaders.

Don’t panic about carrying kit, we will only be taking a small bag each as main kit will be delivered to the camp site by car. Therefore no excuses put those computer games awayburger.jpg and get your name down for some good old fashioned fresh air and camp fire cooking.

Cost will be £10 each to cover cost of accommodation and food. Kit List to be issued later.

Maintenance Day at Nyamba

supportteamlogo.gif1st  Linslade Support Team
Make Friends & Become Invaluable

Workforce Tidy Maintenance Day at Nyamba

Sunday 13th April 10.00am – 4.00pm

The upkeep of Nyamba is of primary importance in enabling the Beavers, Cubs and Scouts to gain the maximum benefit from their attendance.  To this end we have arranged the above maintenance day to carry out some of those simple everyday DIY jobs such as gardening and painting.


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First Archery Session Results

The first archery session for 2008 was held on Sunday 17th February. There was some very good shooting from both Scouts and guests. Session 2 is next Saturday (01/03/08) 10.00am – 1.00pm. There are still a few places available if you would like to come and try your hand. If you haven’t already, please register HERE to let us know you would like to attend. Mums and Dads will be welcome to stay and have a go if there are any places available (and you can take on the challange from you son….!)

Results are below. 

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Archery for Scouts


thumb_archery.jpgWe have arranged some archery sessions for Scouts, which will be held at Buzzards scout hut in Grovebury Road over the next few weeks. We have chosen two Saturday mornings, and two Sunday mornings so that those of you involved with other activities will get a chance to attend. As some of you will know, I qualified last year as a GNAS (Grand National Archery Society) Archery Leader and will therefore be running the sessions. This means there will be no cost to the boys. We will be shooting indoors in the front hall at Buzzards. The sessions are open to all Scouts – beginners or improvers. The boys will receive all instruction necessary, and will be fully briefed on safety on the range before shooting. 

Continue reading “Archery for Scouts”

Summer Camp 2008 – Walesby Forest Scout Camp


Saturday 19th – Saturday 26th July 2008

This year we will be having a week long summer camp in the heart of Robin Hood country – Sherwood Forest.  Walesby Forest Scout Camp is situated 10 miles north east of Mansfield in Nottinghamshire. The journey will take between 2 and 3 hours from Linslade. The site comprises of 250 acres of woodland and parkland, with lots of large open grassed areas for camping. We had a very successful camp at Walesby in 2006 and it really is a stunning location. We have booked the same pitch we had last time, which is gently sloping with a mixture of trees and gorse surrounding. We will be a short 2 minute walk away from one of two toilet blocks with hot water and hot showers. Continue reading “Summer Camp 2008 – Walesby Forest Scout Camp”