As we are halfway through 2012 we have posted the points standings for the 2012 Diamond Jubilee Challenge, and all Nights Away records. Click on the links below to view or download PDF files.
Linslade Archers
Today we had our first Linslade Archery Competition. Following a number of training sessions since Easter, our Scouts competed for the title of Best Archer and a trophy. Scouts have enjoyed using our new archery equipment part funded by a grant from Leighton-Linslade Town Council.
For all the results click “Read More” below.
Thanks to Jon Briggs and Alan Day for their help running the competition.
Scouts survive camp
27 Scouts survived the legendary “Survival Camp” at Studham.
Our new Dutch ovens were well used. All Scouts coooked all their food for the whole weekend on open fires. Accommodation was in two tipees…. (and a large ten man standard boring tent!)
Family Fun Race Night
Open to ALL SECTIONS – ALL Group Members, ALL Parents, Leaders and Helpers
FIRST COME FIRST SERVED – ONLY 100 Tickets Available
Fully Interactive
Includes Chilli Supper
Adults £4, Children £2
Saturday 24th March, 7 till 9.30pm at The Community Centre, Bideford Green
(Fully licensed bar available)
Tickets will be on sale at “Nyamba” at the end of each section meeting.
Register for tickets at “Activity Registration”
District Camp Fire
The Beavers behaved beautifully and joined in well when they met up with the rest of the Leighton-Linslade District at the annual Beavers Camp Fire on Thursday 13th October 2011.
Scouts Winter Camping at -6 Degrees!
Another successful Winter Camp at Tolmers Scout Camp near Cuffley saw overnight temperatures down to minus six degrees! All Scouts and leaders coped very well and a fun packed weekend was had by all. Indeed it was a bit chilly, but there was less mud than on previous years – mud is definitely better when frozen!!!
There were lots of activities available to keep everyone busy including, archery, air rifles, climbing walls, laser tag, quad bikes, dodgems, waltzer, crazy golf, and loads more……
Despite the cold temperatures there were plenty of smiling faces – nobody complained of being cold! Our spirits were kept high by a very cheery leadership team, and our bellies well stoked with excellent hot meals supplied by Mark and his catering crew.
Our party of 73 was our biggest Winter Camp yet and we were pleased to share it with, our friends from Liphook Explorers, 124th Nottingham, and Heath & Reach Scouts. With Buzzards Scouts camping just across the field from us it was a great friendly weekend. Thank you all for you help and friendship.
Special thanks to Mark for master-minding the food, and all leaders and adult helpers for your support. You made it happen again!!
Christmas Message
Hi All Scout Families
We wish you and all your families a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
A special thank you to all the leaders and parent helpers who made the last 12 months so enjoyable.
2011 has been quite a year for 1st Linslade Scouts! In total our Scouts have racked up an incredible combined total of 331 nights away!! We have had 5 weekend camps ranging from the annual Winter Camp, to Survival Camp, to Kayak Expeditions. Plus we cannot forget the 9 amazing days in the Swiss Alps during the summer. Only 1323 days to the next trip in 2015!!! Planning has started……
Activities have ranged from day hikes, to night hikes, challenges and expeditions, kayaking and canoeing, climbing, rafting, cycling, football & for the lucky few who got a clear day, gliding. See the web gallery….
See you all in 2012……
The Scout Section Leadership Team
Children In Need Cake Sale
Entrepreneur Scout Bradley B organised a Cake Sale this morning in aid of Children In Need. For the last three weeks he has been canvassing support from all sections, leaders and parents. He even managed to get a mention on local radio and in the local paper! A massive effort from all involved has raised a tremendous £210 for a very worthy charity. WELL DONE BRADLEY!!
There were other Scouting activities for the children to do while making their purchases, such as tin can cooking, making gadgets, knots and lashings, camp doughnuts, drawing and colouring, and toasting marshmallows over an open fire.
Many thanks to all parents, leaders, Scouts, Cubs and Beavers that supported Bradley and his team.
Fully Trained….
Assistant Scout Leader Trevor Burns was last night presented with his hard earned “Wood Badge” by District Commissioner Andy Goddon. The Wood Badge is the culmination of three years adult training by the Scout Association. Trevor has completed many training courses, planned camps and activities, administration, safety training and perfected his practical skills.

The Wood Badge is worn by all fully trained leaders, around the neck, and consists of a leather lace with two wooden beads attached which are carved from a special tree at Gilwell Park – Lord Baden-Powell’s former estate and home of Scouting.

Well done Trevor!! We thank you for all the time and effort you give to the Scout Section.
Scouts dredge The Grand Union for treasure!
On Sunday 16th October a group of our Scouts, Leaders and parents helped the Milton Keynes Branch of the Inland Waterways Association with a clean up of the Grand Union Canal. Following a health and safety briefing we were equipped with grappling hooks and went “fishing” for treasure. Our haul included: two motorbikes, two push bikes, a wheel chair (only 3 wheels!), a car battery, a ladder, a sign post, numerous bits of metal, poles, and what looked like a pair of Trevor’s old pants!…..
The Scouts were rewarded at the end of the session with cake and biscuits, and a trip back to the start on a narrow boat. Their hard work will also go towards the requirements of their Community Challenge Award badge. We would like to thank the IWA for the opportunity to help out, and look forward to the next time.