The cubs had a great weekend at Lees Wood campsite.

The cubs had a great weekend at Lees Wood campsite.
WOW!!! What a weekend 1st Linslade Scouts have just had!
Teacher: “What did you do this weekend?”
1st Linslade Scout: ” On Saturday morning we met up early for our first kayaking expedition on the River Ouse, near Bedford. We paddled five miles down stream, where we met up with the rest of our troop who had travelled from Leighton Buzzard by train to Bedford and hiked along the river bank to A Scout campsite at Great Barford. We all had a really fun session canoeing in the river all afternoon, after which we put up our tents and had a fish and chip supper.”
1st Linslade Scout: “On Sunday morning we went to the Cambridge Gliding Centre, where 10 of us each had a half hour flight in the Hertfordshire Scouts powered glider. The instructor even let me take the controls once we were up in the air! The views were amazing!! We all did various activities through the day and passed out Air Activies Badge”.
There are more photos in the Web Gallery
Last week the Scout section had another successful climbing session with the Bucks County Scout Climbing team at the fantastic facility at Green Park, Aston Clinton. More photos in the gallery.
54 Scouts, Explorers, Young Leaders, Leaders and Group friends had a really successful trip to Kandersteg in Switzerland. We stayed at Kandersteg International Scout Centre in the heart of the Bernese Oberland, high up in the Alps. There were hikes to over 2000m, swimming in alpine lakes, white water rafting, cable car rides, overnight expedition to a traditional alpine hutte, and meeting other Scouts from all over the world
1st Linslade Beavers won the District Beaver Olympics this week.
A massive well done to the 13 Beavers who took part in the Beaver Olympics on Monday evening. You all pulled together as brilliant teams and thoroughly supported each other. This team work lead to one of the teams being the overall winners. You all made the leaders proud with your behaviour and spirit.
Now that we have 2 fully qualified Level 1 Coaches for Kayaking & Open Canoes (well done Nigel & Martin!) and have acquired our own boats, the Scout section has started on a 10 week course of sessions at Willen Lake in Milton Keynes.
The sessions are on Tuesday nights and in addition to usual troop nights. There is a rota organised, so everyone that wants to have a go will get a chance. See Nigel or Martin for more details.
Thanks to all parents, leaders and friends of the Group that came down and helped with decorating the main hall last week. Many hands made light work…
Recognise the colours? Scanned in from our Neckers. Sunglasses required!…….
Two Scouts from Leighton-Linslade District, selected to attend the World Jamboree in Sweden next summer, will be fund raising towards their trip this coming Sunday (28/11/10) at Pages Park Station – 10.00am to 3.00pm. Please support them if you can.
55 children thoroughly enjoyed our Group Camp over the weekend of 18th/19th September. There were many challenging activities for all age groups. Nine teams consisting of Beavers, Cubs and Scouts took part in an “it’s a knockout” style competition, including, soap hockey, T-Shirt game, and rafting on the pond. This was followed by a selection of challenge bases – tin can alley, water rockets, bungee run, fire lighting, memory game, tent pitching and much more. In the afternoon there was the Linslade “Royal Tournament” style gun carriage run. Teams raced against each other and the clock, to and exciting final. After an early evening BBQ, with over a hundred parents and guests attending, the day finished off with an excellent traditional campfire.
The Cubs and Scouts camped overnight, but before bed enjoyed the movie “Back to the Future” projected onto the marquee wall – all mod cons at 1st Linslade! Sunday morning saw the “1st Linslade Go-Kart Grand Prix” and Rodeo Bull rides.
Thanks go to all leaders, parent helpers and friends of the Group that helped. It was a massive effort, but well worth it. We could not have run this event without you.
If anyone has any photos to share please contact us.
Our Group Camp approaches on 18th-19th September – an exciting weekend of activities for all our Scouts, Cubs and Beavers at Boyd Field Campsite, in Henlow, Bedfordshire. This is open to all our members and we hope that you all try and attend.
Cost is £10 for cubs and scouts who will attend on both days, camping over Saturday night. £3 for Beavers who will attend for the day on Saturday. We ask that all children are dropped off at 9.00am on the Saturday. Cubs & scouts to be collected 2.00pm on Sunday. Parents and other siblings are invited to come to the BBQ on the Saturday evening from 5.00pm – 8.00pm. Beavers are to be collected after the BBQ, so parents why not come early and join us for a burger! For catering purposes please let us know how many will be attending the BBQ. £2 each or £5 for a family.
Update 12/09/10 – All permission forms and payments should have been submitted to your section leaders by now. NO FORM – NO CAMP!!!
Map and directions to camp site – download pdf – directions_henlow
There are lots of activities organised for the weekend – click read more…