Happy New Year – 2025!!

Happy New Year!! Looking forward to 2025!!

Minor refresh to the website with some more recent photos. Executive committee Group Policies updated to the latest versions.

Meeting Restart Postponed – 1st November 2020

To All Parents, all sections – Beavers, Cubs and Scouts

In light of the Prime Minister’s announcement yesterday regarding a national lockdown, the Group Executive Committee, and Section Leaders have agreed to postpone our planned return to face to face meetings this week. There will be no meetings for Beavers, Cub, and Scouts until further notice. This decision will be reviewed in December with a view to restarting in the New Year.

We regret the disappointment for the children, however their safety and that of our volunteer leaders is paramount. Our leaders are also extremely disappointed with this postponement, as a lot of hard work has been done in preparation.

We are sure you will understand and agree that restarting face to face meetings at this time, as we enter another period of national lockdown, is inappropriate. Thank you for your continued support.


Andy Skinner

Group Scout Leader

1st Linslade Scout Group

Coronavirus Outbreak Update: All Scouting Activities Suspended Until Further Notice

Dear Parents

We have just received the following announcement from Tim Kidd, the UK Chief Commissioner of Scouting regarding the coronavirus outbreak:

Tim Kidd, UK Chief Commissioner:

“Late this afternoon, the Prime Minister has said that everyone in the UK should now avoid non-essential travel and contact with others.

Suspension of face-to-face activities

Given this guidance, all face-to-face Scout meetings, activities and events must be suspended from tomorrow, Tuesday, 17 March 2020. This suspension applies to young people and adults, and will be until further notice.

We must continue to respond to the developing situation in a calm, measured and appropriate way. We will continue to follow official guidance. The safety of everyone involved in Scouts, both young people and adults, is our number one priority. That is always at the heart of our decision making.”

In light of this announcement our Spring Camp at Milton Bryan this weekend is cancelled, and all Scout meetings and activities at 1st Linslade are suspended until further notice. 

We apologise for the disappointment to the children (my leadership team are gutted!), but we have to follow instructions by The Scout Association.


Andy Skinner

Group Scout Leader

1st Linslade Scout Group

AGM 2019

The Scout Group Annual General Meeting was held on Wednesday 26th June 2019. Unfortunately it was poorly attended with just a handful of leaders and committee members attending.

Draft minutes of the meeting can read below:


We are still desperate for adult helpers throughout the Group – leaders, helpers, administrators and committee members. Please get in touch and get involved! Specifically we need:

  • help look after our camping stores and equipment (Quartermaster(s))
  • help with premises maintenance
  • Assistant Beaver Leaders, Assistant Cub leaders, and section assistants
  • help with implementing our reviewed safety policy (Safety Officer)

We look forward to hearing from you.

Maintenance Day

We are holding another maintenance day at “Nyamba” on Saturday 11th May, 10.00am ’til 3.00pm. Please can you help! We have a long list of jobs, inside and out, that need doing to tidy up and keep the headquarters safe for our children.

Note that this invitation is aimed at parents, so please ignore references to your child in the documentation. Of course youngsters like to come and help, and we welcome it where possible as long as parents can supervise. There won’t be lots of leaders around to supervise, so we have to be mindful of health and safety, and it may not be the best environment for our youngest members.

Some of the general jobs include: gardening, pruning, driveway clearing, clear brambles, stores tidying, cleaning, painting

More specific tasks:

  • lay a concrete path to gas storage cage to rear of hut,
  • level out path to canoe storage,
  • sorting out camp cooking equipment ready to replace,
  • painting / marking steps in external areas,
  • repair minor leaks in toilets,
  • boxing in pipe work in toilets,
  • loading skip with rubbish

No particular skills needed, just lots of enthusiasm! So please put on your old clothes, grab some tools and join us for a couple of hours. Your time will be much appreciated! Stick it in your diary…..

Bacon rolls and gallons of tea / coffee on tap all day!

Please could you let us know if you can make it using the link to the Parent Portal above. If you think you could help with one of the specific tasks above please make a note when registering.

Thank You!!

1st Linslade Scout Group Executive Committee

International Cooking 2019

Another successful international cooking event this year. All groups worked very well together and produced great plates of food for the judges.

The winning team on Wednesday night with their food of USA
The overall winners on Thursday night cooked a Thai curry – voted tastiest!

The judges took into consideration, taste, team work, innovation and creativity, and presentation. ALL groups did really well. Each group had chosen a country the previous week and planned a menu, worked together to organise themselves and arrange shopping for ingredients. Many thanks to all parents for supporting their Scouts with this activity. See below for more pictures of the night.

The Germans with their sausage stew – joint winners for team work
Mexicans – joint winners for team work
This team made an Indian curry from scratch – winners for the best presented
beautifully presented…..
Innovation and creativity winners from Japan – very impressive!!
A classic spag bog from this crew – this team were praised for their team work also.
Crepes from France – a few issues with melting the chocolate, but tasty none the less

AGM 2018

The Executive Committee would like to inform all parents, leaders and friends of the Group that the 1st Linslade Scout Group Annual General Meeting will be held at Nyamba Scout Hut on Wednesday 27th June at 8.00pm.

Documentation for the meeting can be downloaded below:

AGM-Agenda, 2017AGM Minutes, Group Constitution, 2017 Group Accounts

All Welcome. Please come along and support the leaders and your children.

We are still desperate for adult helpers throughout the Group – leaders, helpers, administrators and committee members. Please come along and get involved! Specifically we need:

  • help look after our camping stores and equipment (Quartermaster(s))
  • help with premises maintenance
  • Cub Leader, Assistant Cub leaders, and section assistants
  • help with implementing our reviewed safety policy (Safety Officer)

We look forward to seeing you.

International Cooking

Just before Easter we had our International Cooking week. Scouts were split into small groups and chose a country out of the hat. They had time to research their country, prepare a menu, write a shopping list, work out their plan, and do the shopping. The Master(Scout) Chef style competition was judged by VIP’s (leaders obviously….), taking into consideration presentation, teamwork & tidyness, and taste! Thanks to Kevin and Emma who planned and directed us through this culinary delight, as part of their leadership training.

Continue reading “International Cooking”

Maintenance Day – Thanks!!

Thanks to all that came and helped yesterday at the maintenance day!! We had a good turn out and it was great to see some new faces. We managed to complete many of the required tasks necessary to keep “Nyamba” safe for our children. The entrance has been cut back of vegetation and all the slippery rotting leaves from the autumn cleaned away.

The driveway and car park has also been cleaned and jet washed, and drainage gully cleaned out.

The area behind the building has been cleared and a platform built to store our older canoes. The memorial garden has been tidied and the gravel boards to the fence in this area repaired. A massive effort here – many thanks.

There has been lots of general tidying and around the whole site completely filling a skip load of rubbish. The “project” car has been positioned for the Explorers, and the outside lights fixed.

Inside the first storage cupboard for chairs has been built in the lobby, and one of the hand driers in the gents repositioned. The kitchen has had a deep clean and the boiler panel fixed.

The Exec Committee and Leaders thank you for your support.