We hope that everybody enjoyed County Camp. We think all agreed that it was a very successful camp and one that all Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Explorers, Leaders and helpers will remember for many years.
We would like to thank all that helped with the planning, setting up, running and clearing up for camp. We could not do it with out you!! A special thanks must go to our catering crew, who did a fantastic job feeding nearly a hundred hungry mouths all weekend. Every meal was perfectly cooked, and ready at exactly the right time. We all ate very well indeed! A big thank you to Annie, Stuart, Mark, Ted, Janice and Ray – THANKS!!!
Thanks also to our parent helpers – many of who helped run activities on Saturday and Sunday.
The weather was largely kind to us, except for a wet Monday morning (which was just perfect for packing up!!). Consequently we have been left with a number of wet and muddy tents, and have had to leave the marquees pitched on site. Therefore there will be no Scout meeting on Wednesday night this week, as we have a lot of equipment to sort out. If any of our older Scouts and Explorers are available to help their help would be very much appreciated.
We are looking for volunteers to write a brief report for the newsletter / website. If you have any thoughts, memories, comments, photos etc – please email us.